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Leadership Trainer | Keynote Speaker | Executive Coach | Author



Death Destroys Teams

An employee's death can devastate a team, costing millions in lost productivity, engagement, and innovation. Yet organizations often do little beyond deploying their EAP, leaving team leaders to "figure out" how to

support their grieving teams.

That is no longer enough.

In today's competitive landscape, the "figure it out" approach no longer cuts it. Organizations need to provide

their leaders with substantial support in dealing with the challenges of death.

To thrive, organizations must cultivate leaders whose skill set includes resilience building

and an ability to balance empathy AND productivity.

Death is tough, but it's also an opportunity. It's a chance for organizations to develop a new breed of courageous leaders - leaders who can face difficult situations while fostering resilient, collaborative teams that balance

empathy with productivity.

Grief at work is not something to figure out. It’s something to thrive through.

Learn how the LEAP Leadership method can help your organization transcend the challenges of death and build resilient, courageous leaders who can give your organization a competitive edge.

Our Interactive Services


Working through Loss Training

Our on-demand training sessions equip your employees with the essential skills to navigate loss in the workplace.

  • Employees gain a deep understanding of grief and its impact on the workplace.

  • Leaders learn to guide their teams through grief with empathy and confidence while employees gain tools for personal well-being.

  • Employees can access specific training modules at their own pace.

  • Optional push notifications gently remind employees of key takeaways, promoting long-term knowledge retention.


Leading through Loss Leadership Coaching

This on-demand 1:1 coaching provides leaders with on-demand personalized 1:1 coaching as well as scheduled sessions. The sessions are specifically tailored to provide a leader with the tools, skills, and support needed to navigate the challenges of combining empathy with productivity. These session are focused on deepening leadership capacity. 


Grief at Work Playbook 

Partner with HR and grief experts to craft a customized Grief at Work playbook.  The playbook includes:

  • Clear guidelines,

  • Actionable procedures,

  • Best practices,

  • Impactful training, and

  • Vital resources for your organization.


Your organization’s personalized playbook will guide leaders and teams to minimize disruptions, build resilience, and reduce the costly side effects of unaddressed grief.  

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Working While Grieving

This personalized coaching program supports a recently bereaved employee in their return to work following a significant loss.  

The benefits include:

  • The bereaved employee receives personalized coaching to navigate grief as they return to work.  

  • Team members learn how to offer meaningful support. 

  • Team leaders gain skills in effectively managing and supporting a grieving employee while maintaining productivity. 

Watch Kim In Action

Two Popular Topics Include

Workplace Wellness: Life, Loss, and Keeping It Together

Your employees will delve into the strategies they need to promote emotional well-being and resilience for each other after loss. They will learn how individuals at all levels can support grieving colleagues, no matter the cause. And how to do it without feeling uncomfortable or compromising their professional responsibilities.

Leading with Compassion: Navigating Death in the Workforce (For leaders)

Leaders need support when it comes to the emotional well-being of their teams and themselves. This talk dives into the role of leaders in addressing the inevitable topic of death within the workplace and discovering how to cultivate empathy while maintaining productivity.

It started after her husband died, sort of.

"If you need anything, let me know." It was the phrase people kept saying to us after my husband was diagnosed with cancer. But I quickly discovered, it was the least helpful phrase anyone can utter! We were

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Check out Kim's Book

This book answers the worrying question we all have...

100 Acts of Love: A Girlfriend's Guide to Loving Your Friend Through Cancer or Loss.

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"What do I say? What can I do? "

Kim highlights 100 different, unique, and simple ways you can impact your colleague, employee, friend, or family going through "it." Use it as a step-by-step guide or to get your creative support juices flowing.  Either way, this easy-to-read life guide will be your go-to for years to come if you want to make a meaningful impact during a difficult time.

What others have to say. 

“What a down-to-earth, inspiring, practical guide to supporting someone through end of life and grief or cancer. Thank you, Kim!" Fredda Wasserman, MA, MPH, LMFT, CT, Clinical Director of Adult Programs and Education, Our House Grief Support.”

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